I followed your instructions and it appears that my system is now clean. I ran avast and did not find a virus. I also ran hijack this and this is the log results:
Please stay in the original thread.
Now (almost?) noone has a clue about what you are talking.
The HJT log is incomplete and therefor there is (almost) nothing to say about, but…
Your system is very much outdated. Go to the MS update site and keep going there till ALL security patches/updates are installed.
how is the log incomplete. i ran hijackthis and those are the results. Avast doesnt say any viruses are left so am i in the clear.
Any suggestions how to keep this from happening again(other than updating windows)?
Do you have Adobe reader (or the complete version) installed?
Do you have JVM (Java Virtual Machine) installed?
If you answer no to both of them than the log is clean.
If you answer yes to one of them, there is something wrong.
Any suggestions how to keep this from happening again1] Keep your system (and the applications) up-to-date. 2] Be carefull with what websites you visit. 3] Be carfull with what you download/install. 4] Read the manual/help on applications so you know how to handle them (especially the ones related to security) 5] Only use a a administrator account when needed. 6] Read [url=http://www.markusjansson.net/erecent.html]THIS WEBSITE[/url]. It has a lot of usefull info about security settings. 7] Visit [url=http://www.blackviper.com/]THIS WEBSITE[/url]. It has a lot of other usefull info for Windows XP/2x users. 8] Keep in mind that security start with the user. What you know and do is like the ground you build a house on. If the ground isn't good, the house will not be strong.