lost icon from tray

Hello all,
I’m new to this forum although I have been using avast for a while now.
It’s definately the best out there(believe me i’ve tried 'em all before!)

Recently I realised avast was not configured properly to scan my mail, my own fault for not checking.
Anyway now I’ve sorted that, I wanted to include mail certification notes to my messages, I was advised to look under ‘on-access protection control’ by right clicking the icon.
Guess what?.. the Avast icon has gone!
It’s not been there for about a week or so now, is there anyway of getting it back?
I’m starting to get worried I’m not protected at all.
I’ve tried repairing using the add/remove as advised in other posts but still nothing.

Any help with getting the icon back or other ways of adding mail certification would be most apreciated.

Many Thanks in advance
MetalMickey(new user)

try checking at your avast.ini config…located at default folder C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\avast.ini

under UserInterface section…value of ResidentBalloonShown is 1

after you get the ‘a’ icon back to your system tray…click on it and go to internet mail provider…customise…under smtp…pop…imap…you can tick the option of inserting note into clean messages…

hope i’m clear enough

hi shgoh,
just looked under C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\avast.ini
it opened in notepad is this right?
but there is no UserInterface section showing up.
any ideas?
BTW as I am a newbie, im not that well up un the technical side of things, which is how i get in this mess!
Be gentle with me!

I got same problem Metal Mickey - icon comes and goes when it feels like! (and value of ResidentBaloonShown is 1)
Thought something might have gone wrong when installed new version of ZA pro, so restored earlier versions of registry but still the same.

Hey, was it you who was concerned about distributed.com accessing the internet? if so http://cexx.org/rpcss.htm has some info

Otis and MetalMickey, which OS are you using?
The ashDisp.exe file (on avast folder) will bring the icon to the system tray in XP). Actually, if the avast! service is running, the icon must be there…

Are you sure you do not disable the providers for a while and forgot to enable them again (although, the icon must be there in this case, with a red cross…) ::slight_smile:

If you are using Windows XP… the system tray has a habbit of hiding tray icons.

Is the Avast blue ball not there when you click on the arrow to reveal all system tray icons?

The ONLY time I’ve noticed the blue ball vanish from the tray is when I’ve finished watching a 2 hour DVD from within PowereDVD XP.

Then once the hard drive begins to access…the ball magically reappears.

Well it’s all most strange!
Am using Windows 98
This morning the icon was there all the time, but by this evening it was missing again (although Ashserv.exe was running) until I checked mail, when it reappeared
Have just rebooted twice and each time the icon was missing each time, after everything else had loaded

Downloaded an up-to-date version last night - do you think I should uninstall & reinstall?

For my clarification… you are indeed talking about the blue “a” icon that spins around when scanning files?

Because there is another icon that only appears when your scanning e-mail. It dissapears when your done retrieving e-mail.

The other mail protection icon looks like a letter with a blue siren or something…it is not animated.

Thanks for the clarification. :slight_smile:

By the way… I see two people have this issue with Win98.

I use Windows XP Pro (SP1a) and Windows 98 Second Edition and the icon does not disappear. ???

Hi Steele,
Yes, talking about the spinning blue avast! icon
Using 98 second edition, and haven’t had this happen before this week (have had avast! installed for several months)

I’m not actually using internet mail protection (as it seemed to slow down or stop e-mails when I first tried it) but now I’ve discovered this forum will probably try again.

If ashserv.exe is running, does it matter if the icon plays “hide & seek”?

I’m running xp home sp1.
Following technicals instructions I now have the blue spinning A back. :smiley:
Quite simple for me really, so thanks for the help. ;D
Hope you other guys manage to sort it out too! ???
I also hope mine stays around too! :-
If not im sure you’ll be hearing from me again :cry:

Probably not… You’ll be protected.
But, why don’t you use the Internet Mail provider… It works perfectly 8)

Running XP Pro. I’ve tried installing and uninstalling several times, but the spinning ‘a’ ball always disappears within a few days.

If I look to see what processes are running, ashServ is always running, but I have to manually start ashDisp to get the spinning ‘a’ back. How can I make sure that ashDisp starts up with each boot?



Did you install any other antivirus in your system (even in the past) and removed it?

seems to be an incompatibility with some other installation ::slight_smile: