Lost scan settings, scheduled scan and scan history

Avast Internet Security, Version 11.2.2262, Virus definitions 160523-1
Windows Vista, SP2

This is the second time this has happened in the last couple of months. I had set up a custom daily scheduled scan. The last time it happened, I decided to check my scan history every day to make sure it didn’t happen again. Then this morning there was no history, no custom scan, and no scheduled scan. Why does this happen? I’m not even sure this is the right forum, because I’m not sure what causes this behaviour.

Thanks for any help.


I had set up a custom daily scheduled scan.
Why so frequent? .... you do know your avast monitor evrything in realtime

Thanks Pondus. I didn’t know you had replied. I forgot to ask to be notified of replies, and wondered why my question went unanswered. I will delete my new post in the main forum!

Only moderators can delete posts.

I will delete my new post in the main forum!
Done ;)

Thanks for deleting the other post. Wondered why I couldn’t do it :slight_smile:

It is a restriction, users can only edit their posts not delete them. More so if the post is a first post in a topic if it has any reply.

I repaired aVast Internet Security as instructed, set up a couple of custom scans (now not daily) and all worked for about a week. I have again lost my custom scans and logs. My scan history has reverted to an older period from May 23 through June 3. Now what??? And why can’t I keep my settings and logs?

Thanks again for any help.

I don’t know why you are using your settings (this hasn’t happened to me), Do you happen to have any Hard Disk cleaning product, such as CCleaner that might be removing what it considers old data files ?

You could also try using the Back up Settings function after having set them up again:
AvastUI > Settings > General - Scroll down to the Back up Settings option. Save it in a location that you can remember rather than the default location.

If you lose your settings again then try the Restore Settings.

Still having problems. Created a new custom scan, updated a few other settings, and attempted to back up my settings. Received an error message that “access is denied”. I didn’t see any way around that.

I’m getting really fed up with my paid version of aVast. I’m not sure what’s going on but I never had this much trouble when it was free!

Is the date/time in the bios still correct ?

Yes, it is Eddy. I have now posted in the aVast Free/Pro/IS/Premier forum. I do hope someone can help find a solution.