Lost sounds pro edition

Out of the blue I have lost most of the sounds in the Pro Edition. I have tried a repair, no luck. I did an uninstall and new download and re-install, no luck. I have checking the settings where I have found one or two but not all the sounds. Any suggestions.

[font=Segoe UI] Please check to see if anything is accidentaly muted:

Press Windows key + R > Type: sndvol32.exe > Check to see if all volume bars are it’s peak and if all Mute All checkboxes are all unchecked.

Nothing is muted I would have thought the uninstall and re-install would have corrected the problem

Are avast setting correct?
Can you reproduce other sounds?

Yes, I can open sounds thru control panel and test sounds listed there. There are a couple of avast sounds there and they play. the virus update has no sound with it. I have not checked what other avast sounds that are not there.

I remember that problem on Vista but I am using Windows 7 now so I can’t remember the exact steps but let me fire up the old XP system as I think setting sounds in it are the same.

On the XP Pro system sounds are in Sounds and Audio Device Properties then scroll down to avast! antivirus then click Browse then go to C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\English Folder then choose correct .wav file for each sound.

Same with me. No sound from my avast av after i install back from avast 5.

Sounds that I have and work

  1. VPS update
  2. Suspicious message
  3. Other malware found
  4. Simple user interface button pressed
  5. Virus found

Sounds listed but do not have a wav linked to them

  1. Mouse over the simple user interface button
  2. Program end
  3. Program start
  4. Task done

Running Winxp home

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH\hover.wav
(very subtle, if your sound is low… :P)

2. Program end 3. Program start
I have nothing listed for these...
4. Task done
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH\ready.wav