Lots of bugs in v5.0.594

Respected Sir,

Firstly,it doesnt connect to the net unless i disable all the shields and it
takes a lot of time to startup.Many bugs.

hari —India

What other security software do you have on your machine? If you had previous software, what was it (including FW)?

Did you do an upgrade to v.5.0.594 or a clean install?

How do you connect to the Internet – broadband/cable, DSL, proxy, etc.?

Have you done a malware scan with Avast?

Check your computer for Malware with

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.46 http://filehippo.com/download_malwarebytes_anti_malware/
after install click update so you have latest database before scan
click the remove selected button to quarantine anything found
you may post the scan log here

do you have a firewall ?

have you tried avast repair and reboot ?
For a repair of avast. Windows, Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button from the pop-up window, scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.

Actually, 5.0.594 is not buggy at all. Check the suggestions above.

There do exist several bugs (such as the ‘ZOO’ in settings). In virus chest, when selecting certain files and clicking right button, it will appear to be not selected, and I took a while to find that they were actually slected already. (Or is this another amend made purposely?)

I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with any “ZOO” in the settings, and can’t find it in my installation.

I’ve no files in the chest, either, so can not confirm (or otherwise) what you are saying about that issue.

The “ZOO” text in the packers setting dialog is a cosmetical glitch. OK, doesn’t look very nice, but calling it a “bug”… if only this was the only bug in avast!, or any other software for that matter. :wink:

agreed :smiley:

. if only this was the only bug in avast!,
hmmm......when you say it like that..........do we have to worry ?

nope ;D all programs have bugs, real bugs, more important than the “zoo” thing (just a persistent text error, not what I’d call a program bug) that’s my interpretation of what Igor said :wink:


You have been instructed above to do a scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM) as well to check for malware.

We are still waiting for your answers 1) to the above questions in the quote, 2) if you had any positive results in your MBAM scan, 3) what your firewall is, 4) and if you tried to repair and reboot Avast? By answering these questions, we can better help you. Thank you.

I had kaspersky and i uninstalled it and installed only avast and it’s free
from malware as all programs run well.
It’s a clean install and i connect via Dsl

Might be worth confirmation - Download and Run this utility to remove all traces of Kaspersky from the registry:
http://support.kaspersky.com/faq/?qid=208279463. You might want to print the instructions on the page for use off-line.