Lottery Fraud??

Recently I received a mail that said:

Mrs.Paulina Melbeck .Prize Claim

           LOTTERY WINNER,

We are pleased to inform
you of the result of the euro lines Lottery programs held on Jan 6,2006
your email address were attached to one of the ten winning ticket
numbers #9817- with game Number #128000… You have therefore been
approved for a lump sum pay out of US$250,000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty
Thousand dollars)


All participants were selected
through a computer ballot system from our sponsors databases,
including over 20,000 companies and 180,000 individual E-mail addresses
and names submitted by our agents drawn from Asia, Africa, Europe,
North And South America, Oceania and around the world. To file for your
urgent claim, please contact our approved agent.

Mr. Lucas Donk

Tilburg the Netherlands

It is part of our security protocol to avoid
double claiming and to minimize identification difficulties to advise
you to keep this information confidential until your claim is processed
successfully and to avoid unwarranted abuse of this program by some
participants to please note that you will be required to pay for the
issuance of your winning certificate and all winnings must be claimed
not later than Jan 17,2006.after this date all unclaimed winnings will
be null and void.

In Order to avoid unnecessary delays and
complications remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers
in all correspondence. Furthermore, should there be any change of
address do inform our agents as soon as possible.

once more and thank you for being part of our promotional program.
Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs.Paulina Melbeck
Award Co-ordinator.

I’m 99% sure that this is a fraud! Has this happen to any of you?

Hi Zagor … yes, you can be at least 99% sure it is fraud. Check the links below. The first one gives a sort of history of this fraud :

The second one gives more examples of these emails :

You have recieved yet another variation of this scam. These scams also come in regular postal mail. All who read this should check out those links and become more aware and safer.

Hope this helps you! :slight_smile:

Look at this also:

;D ;D ;D I have google the name of the agent that I was instructed to call and I found his name to be on the most common criminals list in the field of fraud (Is it possible he is that stupid, I mean using the same name again…???).

Just use the Ctrl+F on the page with his name as search “Lucas Donk” :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


And what is with the Netherlands, I mean addresses in those fraud mails, it looks like they are the targetground for this kind of fraud?
I think that our forum friend Polonus was right in his signature.

Thank you CharleyO for the links :slight_smile:

I’m kind’a sorry for not getting that money. I was almost to start packing my suitcase for Hawaii 8) 8) 8)

  1. I surprised you even gave it the time of day, e.g. not deleted immediately manually or using an anti-spam filter. Unless to use as an example of a scam.
  2. You probably weren’t the only recipient often you aren’t the person named in the To email address.
  3. These type of Scams have been doing the rounds for ages.
  4. You should never have a fee to win something no matter how the fee is disguised, insurance, shipping, etc. Any legitimate competition/lottery, etc. would cover any administration costs.

You are welcome, Zagor … more helpful info in your links, also. Thanks for posting them. :slight_smile:

I hope all will read the links we both posted here! :slight_smile:

Hahaha … I would pack my suitcase for the Swiss Alps and some snow skiing! :slight_smile: 8) :smiley:

Well David, I’m too greedy to pass on the big bucks, even imaginary ones 8) :smiley: :smiley:

Here is one link from the National Lottery of UK, explaining how the real lottery works: