Is there anyway to keep the scanner from showing me everything it’s scanning. It blocks the bottom right corner of my screen. I think it does this because of the way I set up the program when installing. it just popped up again showing me what was just scanned. Annoying. I searched through the program setting but nothing has worked. Hopefully, there is a was to choose not to show what is being scanned without having to go through an uninstall…reinstall. Help Help. Thanks in advance.
This option, ‘Show detailed info on performed actions’ is off by default, so it would appear you have been tweaking avast without knowing the effect it will have.
If you have changed others Web Shield, Internet Mail you will have to revert those also.
I’m still wondering something. Do people enable this feature by themself, not knowing what it does or it gets enabled by itself?!
We are seeing more instances of this on the forums, but surely if it were getting enabled on its own (I can’t see how this option would become ticked) or by default then I’m sure we would be seeing many, many more instances on the forums ???
The text of the option is a perfect temptation… Look, people who ask this are generally on the first post…
This option is off by default…
I LOVE this avast! feature!!
That pop up screen that tells me every time Avast scans a site IS really annoying. Doesn’t happen on AOL, but consistently appears when using IE7.
I checked my settings and the “show detailed info on performed action” is NOT selected yet I’m still getting this notification pop-up! How do I get this Avast notification to hush up, unless there’s something wrong with the site?
OS: Windows Vista Premium
check “show detailed info on performed action” on both WebShield and ScriptsBlocker module then plase tell me how it was
i mean check both option are unchecked… sorry 8)
Okay, I just solved my own problem. You have to disable the “show info” on the standard shield and the web shield. (You scroll the different shields off to the right…)
It went away! Yip!
Downloading Avast! Home to my Vista computer created a problem with sites that use Adobe’s Macromedia Flash player. I uninstalled Macromedia and then re-installed it, and now it’s working fine.
Was a little worried that Avast! might create more problems than it solved, but so far, these have been the only two I encountered and both problems were eaily rectified.
I’m gonna uninstall Norton, now! God awful programs, Symantec’s Norton.
cool to have helped you.
about the problems you cite, i myself have had a VERY FEW with avast! if not one or two at all in three years of use, mostly related with the latest release (1001 build).
I have never heard about a problem with the macromedia flash player but’s good to see it gone.
congratz for your new antivirus, it will take a little time to love it and (i hope) buy the pro version wich is plain excellent.
You won’t see anything on the AOHell browser as it doesn’t use standard protocol so isn’t protected by the Web Shield.
First this “show detailed info on performed action” is off by default for the providers that support it, Standard Shield, Internet Mail, Web Shield and Script Blocking you need to check them all to ensure the “show detailed info on performed action” option isn’t selected.
Like the image I posted in reply # 1 above ;D