
Do you have any upgrade to download for this virus ?

Lsass.exe Is not a virus 8), it is the service program of Windows. Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) provides an interface for managing local security, domain authentication, and Active Directory processes. It handles authentication for the client and for the server. It also contains features that are used to support Active Directory utilities.
This program is vulnerable to virus SASSER. Apparently, you have picked up it.
Update the Windows on a site microsoft.
It is necessary to establish the following:


http: //*displaylang=en

KB841720 - the direct reference

The update removes the vulnerability by modifying the way that LSASS processes the specially crafted LDAP message.

I know that Lsass is not a virus. I got a virus from a file . doc that change to a .exe, I want to know if the avast get it ? If you have any upgrade for it, because I download the last upgrade today but it didn’t see the virus!

Hello mate,

Let me try explain everything, I got a virus from maybe Sasser…
That is the mensagen :

“Virus MlourdesHReloaded II ha atakdo esta computadora”
“Virus 100% Méxicano, no es muy peligroso que digamos”
“Pero tu has sido el rival más débil ¡Adios!”
“Saludos a Ana Paty de Sinaloa y a Gedzac Labs”
“Espero y se hallan pasado una feliz Navidad y un próspero año nuevo”
“Feliz 2004 para todos”
“Para mayor información enviar un e-mail a
“donde hablamos de computación en tu idioma”
-Dime solo esta vez, que has pensado… solo esta vez -

And I did delete everything from the virus in my computer. But If I use the disk floppy again with the virus my avast antivirus doens’t see that virus. do you have the upgrade for it ?

Thanks for all informations.

If you have any undetected virus, you are welcome to send it to