Mac App Store "Cannot Connect to the App Store" https issue

I had a notification that I had 1 system update. When I go to the Apple App Store to update I get the error message “Cannot Connect to the App Store”. I turned off the Avast Web Shield and I am able to connect and download my updates.

I then went into Avast and Went to Preferences - WebShield - Settings. I tried adding the exclusions for and in addition to in the https protocol , re-enabled the web shield and then I tried again to connect to the app store and got “Cannot Connect to the App Store”

I then went back into Webshield - Settings and unchecked “scan secured connections” and left the web shield enabled. I was then able to connect to the App Store.

It appears the https scanning in Avast is messing with the encryption and/or the exceptions are not working and causing the app store to fail. If anyone has any ideas or if their are any avast engineers here please let me know if their is another fix or way to resolve this other than disabling the web shield or disabling https in the web shield to get my updates.

I am running Mac OS Sierra version 10.12.3 and Avast version 12.5 virus definition 17032301.