mac malware? vbs:Malware-gen

used macs 22 yrs. never had virus or malware issue that I was aware of. Ive always used free antivirus for mac.

today I went to my bank site. got a redirect. never happened before and I’ve been banking online a long time. finally decided to ditch clamxAV and try avast for mac. did a full scan with avast and it found something. add to file. it’s a wordpress plugin I used I think.

so is this a real threat or false? just wondering.

this particular plugin I don’t know but:

  1. If I download a plugin from the following link, it shows no infection:
  2. /System/Library folder is dedicated to Apple software only

Best Regards,

Just a note, the reference to system/library in the screenshot is not the location of the infected file but the process that accessed it, finder.