Give Madam Emma 2 numbers between 0 and 78.
Madam will then shuffle the cards and chose the 2 cards.
She will then reveal insight about something going on in your life and what may be influencing it.
You may contact Madam Emma H E R E through the front door to request your reading.
Or you may PM Madam Emma through the back door. You may remain anonymous if you wish.
All readings will be posted H E R E
Be patient in receiving your reading.
Madam Emma needs time to meditate, cogitate, investigate, irritate and make-upiate
Would a moderator please move MADAM EMMA’S to another part of the carnival?
While Madam Emma was contacting the spirits, she was also enjoying the spirits and posted with the wrong clientele. ;D ;D
Madam Emma will now close her tent to concentrate Neal’s fate. :
Neil you have chosen the 7 of Wands which shows you are aggressive and assert yourself. When you know you are right, you act resolutely. You step forward and take responsibility for your actions. The 10 of Cups is the feeling you have toward family. You find your joy, peace and harmony with them. When life tosses you around you draw back into this safe harbor.
Madam Emma know the kindness and loyalty you have. May all your dreams come true.
xistenz, Your first card is the 7 of Pentacles. Stop and review what you have been doing. Make sure you are on the right course and know where you stand. When you feel confident, the Chariot card tells you to grab the gold ring and go for the victory ride. But beware of being too smug. ;D
You will do well with all the possiblities that exist for you.
Ah, Dark Parrot, your card is the Knight of Wands. You are handsome. You have get-up-and-go and can be very charming and spontaneous.
You seek adventure and are often intoxicated with self importance. Beware the Queen of Cups who is loving, tenderhearted, intuitive and benevolent. (She also has an appetite for parrots) ;D
xmas,you are young and have romantic expectations. Not all cups that are offerered are full.
You must expect to be let down by some. You will need to adjust your expectations. The 4 of Cups reminds you not to sit and brood.
The 9 of Cups assures you of achieving happiness and success. Take time to enjoy your own feelings. What you receive is your own positive energy returning to you.
Madam must remind SUSZANNAH not to question Madam’s motives and integrity. Madam places the highest value upon her readings. Madam is serious and trustworthy of giving good value for the price she receives. Madam only reads the cards. She can not be held responsible for what the cards reveal.
Perhaps SUSZANNAH would like to change her numbers?
Susz, your significant card is The High Priestess (of muck-a-muck). You harbor the mysterious. You spend much time in quiet contemplation. You live beneath the surface. You are passive and calm. Stop trying to be so good. You can’t shield yourself from the confusions of modern society.
The Ace of Wands calls you. You can expect an age of new and exciting beginnings and fertility. You can make anything happen. Light the fire! Use that raw energy. Burst forth with heat and enthusiasm. Be reckless. Get carried away. React to the stimulation. Give 110%. Go for it. Wake Up. Move Swiftly. Step Forward. Expand. Opportunity Waits.
Go where the action is.
HEY GIRL, I’m going with ya. I’ll grab Connie and we can all head for the AVAST BAR and GRILL!!!
Bob, you have chosen two major cards of the Tarot. The first is the The Emperor. It is the I AM card. It shows leadership, authority and structure but also fathering. You like to tie up loose ends and give discipline to life. Yet you find balance between stability and rigidity. You do not stifle. You offer explanations and protect and defend.
The other card you chose is The Hanged Man. You will find times when you must let go. It will be a good release. You must accept what is and give up control. Live for the moment and allow what is…to be. It may be a paradox…that by letting go we gain control. We move forward by standing still. Enjoy every moment you have now and let the future take care of itself.