I’m on windows xp with thunderbird and firefox 4 and avast 6.0.1091
Installing avast I can’t connect to Internet and use Thunderbird.
I had disabled Zone Alarm Firewal, same problems.
The only way to solve the problems is to stop Mail Agent and Web Agent.
I think it’s not safe, is there other way before I returns to my previous anti-virus ?
Thanks for your help.
Disabling the firewall basically doesn’t disable it completely, there will still have low level drivers running and in some cases that would still block.
Enable it again:
Does it allow avastSvc.exe internet access ?
- If it does delete the entry for it and reconnect to the internet and also try to collect your email, this should force the firewall to ask permission again
I had made what you had told me.
No changes.
avastSvc.exe and AvastUI.exe are authorized to access the internet.
I haven’t any problem with the previous free antivirus I used.
It’s look like ports are blocked by Avast ?
Yes they might well be authorised, but ZA has form for digital amnesia and despite being allowed blocks the process. That is why I said to delete the entries if present.
Avast free doesn’t have a firewall and doesn’t block ports, it monitors http and email activity via localhost proxies, it doesn’t block. Something is blocking avast so nothing comes through those proxies, so it appears like the ports are blocked…
I have deleted the entries and ZA asked me again to authorized the exe
If that hasn’t resolved it (you didn’t say), then it may well be remnants of your previous AV.
What was the other Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
It may be that it requires a detailed removal tool to clean up.
It was avira and I uninstalled it properly with configuration pannel.
avira and avast? No proper description @ the beginning anyway, no statement of avira @ earliest.
Check out this - Avira AntiVir Uninstall Package & RegistryCleaner (choose appropriate version): Avira RegistryCleaner. http://www.avira.com/en/support-download-avira-registrycleaner