Mail doesn't appear to be being scanned by Avast ...

For some bizarre reason Avast seems to have stopped scanning emails in my Outlook Express.

On the Real Time Sheilds, the Mail Shield shows 0/0 but I’ve had incoming and outgoing mail this morning.

Any suggestions as to what could be the problem and a solution for same would be welcome.


have you checked you account settings?
is this a account with SSL connection… like Gmail / Yahoo mail

Not sure… I’ve taken screenshots of my settings. Hope this helps.

Your OE settings for POP3 & SMTP are going to prevent avast from scanning that content as you have secure ports selected (995 & 465) so avast can’t redirect these to scan them.

You need to have the OE settings for POP3 port 110 & SMTP port 25 (your image 2), that will allow avast to redirect them for scanning and then send them using the secure ports reported in the SSL Accounts image shown.

So something has changed the OE settings if they previously worked.

So something has changed the OE settings if they previously worked.

Yeah. My email wasn’t working this morning. My ISP said that the server[??] name had changed, so they helped change my settings. Before it was now it’s

If I apply the port numbers you’ve suggested then Outlook doesn’t work at all. And even when I had the old server name, the port numbers I’ve been using worked perfectly well. Avast was scanning my mail.

So I’m totally confused.

What I find strange is that with the settings in image 2, avast would normally be giving a notification that it can’t scan these SSL emails.

Try setting the OE account POP3 to 110 and SMTP to 25 again, in the Avast SSL Accounts, delete the entries for and reboot. That should have avast recreate them check the avast SSL Accounts to see what it has created and try again to see if the accounts work.

This isn’t an area I’m to familiar with (email fault finding) so I would take a look at this - avast! 6.x, 7.x: SSL Problems The Mail Shield may not scan some e-mails - see Whilst this is an old article and mentions avast6 it is relevant for avast7 also.

The correct setting for avast mail scanner should be:

  • on advanced page unclick the checkbox “The server requires a secure connection (SSL)” for smtp

  • set the SMTP server port to 25

  • do the same for POP, uncheck the checkbox and set the POP server port to 110.

The accounts seem to be properly configured in avast, together with their SSL setting, so this should be enough for the connection from your PC to the Mail server to be encrypted and protected by SSL, while at the same time readable to avast, so that it can scan it.

Thanks for the intervention lukor.

Okay, I tried both suggestions and neither worked. This is the result of lukor’s suggestion. Hope this helps. And thanks guys.

You changed the settings in the avast! portion and they where correct according to my understanding of lukors explanation.

Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean.

You changed the following and it should have remained as it was:

Excellent. Done. Working. :smiley:

Thank you so much for your time. [and patience]

Glad your problem is solved.

Welcome to the Forum. :slight_smile: