Mail problem

Ive always been able to send /recieve mail with no problem.I use pimmy as my main email client but also use outlook express occaisonally.I very rarly send attachments but recently had to send one …a .jpg file.Anyway the mail wouldnt send and i get a 10038 error from pimmy and this error from OE…

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Subject ‘127 with attach’, Account: ‘’, Server: ‘’, Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

Suffice to say the message will send with no attachment (although its a little slow as im on broadband) ,through avast mail scanner and also the message will send WITH attachment if put mail settings back to normal i.e remove the from the pop/smtp server settings and also the from after my log in address.My avast mail scanner provider setting is on normal.
Any ideas why i cant send attachments through avast?..possibly a setting ive overlooked somewhere?

Rerun the mail protection wizzard. See if that solves it.

Ive rerun the mail wizard but still the same problem.Avast mail scanner is allowing me to send and recieve mail but not allowing me to send mail with an attachment.If i use mail wizard to take off the mail protection theres no problem.Ive checked software firewall etc , and theres no problems there.Its all very strange at the moment.

I recall seeing another thread here which dealed with the same problem. Do a bit of searching. See if you can find it, it may have some usefull info for you.

MS has an article on that error. Click here to read it.

thanks i will try a search…
Ive retested and done all reboots after mail wizard alterations , and it is avast thats causing the problem.It WILL send mail , but not with any attachments at the moment.

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Subject ‘test’, Account: ‘’, Server: ‘’, Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

The above shows OE error message after mail with attachment (.jpg) fails to send.Ill do as you suggested and search for a similar thread.

I only see a setting for allowing to send an infected file.
Since that’s the only block that I can see, Are you sure that the attachment your sending is CLEAN ?

Hi bob…
Yes the file is clean.On more investigating it seems theres something deeper amiss and it may not be avast causing the problem.With avast mail scanner off , i can send/recieve mail with attachments using outlook express with no problem.However my main mail programme which is pimmy is still unable to send mail with an attachment even with avast mail scanner set to off (all login names and servers are correctly set by the way)and gives a weird error message .Im coming to the conclusion that its something to do with the actiontec dsl gateway that im now using for broadband.I only went over to broadband about 2 weeks ago , and havent tried to send an attachment until yesterday.I am new to dsl gateways so not sure what to do at the moment.I may contact my isp and see whther i get any answers there.

P.S Thanks for link Artras…theres something there about routers that can cause the problem, though if it is the gateway/router , i wonder why it works ok with email scanner off?

Please let us know how you make out and what you find out. I may help some one else. :slight_smile:

I shall let you know if i find an answer.I contacted my isp and asked whether the dsl router would cause such a problem and they said no it wouldnt setup on the default which it is.The only option i have left is to uninstall avast completly and then reinstall and see if that affects anything.Ive also emailed pimmy authors at support and told them about the problem i still have with pimmy sending attachments even with the email scanner disabled and sent them the error pic.Hopefully they can shed some more light as to whats happening.
This will help you do a complete uninstall.

Well ive used the removal tool and reinstalled avast.Set mail wizard to configure outlook express and sent myself a mail.It sent and scanned ok.Then i sent a mail with an attachment.It sent and scanned ok.I then sent a third mail to myself with the same attachment and it wont send and gives the original error.All subsequent attempts have failed.I must confess im at a loss.Ive just turned off th email scanner for now until i get any more info.

I think we’re at a point where a reply from some one on the Alwil team would be greatly appreciated.

Try and adjust your mail server timeouts time from short to long, in Outlook Express go to your tools Menu and click on Accounts, choose your mail account then click on the properties tab,on the next screen click on the Advanced tab half way down on this screen you should see a Server Timeouts bar that shows short ------- long adjust this to long about 5 minutes and then click on apply and close all windows. reboot system.
Hope this helps

Thanks ive already set the timeout to 5 minutes but still the same.OE still refuses to send any type of attachments with mail scanner on but i can send mail without attachments.Because there appears something amiss with my main mail client (pimmy) which also wont send attachments with avast mail scanner running or not im not certain it is avast after all.It all seems to point to the time when i had broadband installed (2 weeks ago)and had a dsl router.Because mail works anyway i hadnt noticed a problem till i tried to send an attachment.I know in the past when i was on dialup i had no such problems with attachments.Im slowly believing its something to do with the router , though im not proficient in them to understand why.The authors of pimmy are kindly helping me with error messages i get on thier programme when trying to send attachments too , so maybe they may have an answer.In the meantime im not using the email scanner (im protected by the resident shield anyway) and using OE (urghh) to send mail an attachments.

Go into avast! On-Access scanner, and choose INTERNET MAIL PROVIDER.

Click on CUSTOMIZE, and select HEURISTIC tab. Set your SENSITIVITY slider to MEDIUM…

Also, you can click ADVANCED tab now (still under CUSTOMIZE) and set TIMEOUT FOR INTERNET COMUNICATION (s) to some number above 200… mine is set to 300. Also as you said before you already did it, it’s good thing to increase that number in your OE as well…

See if that solves your problem… for sure, it solved mine months ago…

Cheers !

Thanks for reply sacha…ive tried that on low settings as well with same results.Can send and recieve mail but cannot send attachments (though i can recieve them).

Do you have any other software installed, that maybe is blocking sending of attachments ?

After reverting back to dial up , everything works ok , so its definitly the dsl gateway thats the problem.My isp is basically saying its avast and its not configured correctly but i know that it is.Ill leave the mail scanner off until i learn more about the router


Ill leave the mail scanner off until i learn more about the router
Doing that leaves you wide open to all kinds of things. Call your DSl Tech bac and let them know you have it isolated to them and let them help you set it up right.

Thanks bob , but although i like the mail scanner working because its available,im not of the opinion that im any less vulnerable as the resident shield is protecting anyway.Instead of scanning a mail or attachment immediatley , the resident shield will scan and protect when i do decide to open or click on an attachment.My isp (and i do think they are a good isp however)tends to be less knowledgable when it comes to avs and routers than posters on forums and news groups.Rtaher than explainin over the phone ill write an email , and send with pics of the problems.I think this may be the best solution