I had installed avast! two month ago without executing the last step about mail protection setup .
This setup can now be performed executing the "mail protection Wizard " ?
It seems it’s not enough…
So… what exactly is your question?
I’m trying to translate …what I’m getting >>>>>>>>>
It is impossible to connect to the server. Account: ‘box.tin.it’, Server: ‘’,
Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Protezione (SSL): No, socket Error: 10061, : 0x800CCC0E
It is impossible to connect to the server. Account: ‘box.tin.it’, Server: ‘’,
Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Protezione (SSL): No, socket Error: 10061, error number : 0x800CCC0E
Moreover passwords for a server name rather strange…
The mail scanner is probably not running although it should be started automatically. Start program ashMaiSv.exe in avast4 folder and try mail again. If it will not be running even after next restart, you can create a link to ashMaiSv.exe in the menu Start->Programs->Startup to ensure automatic start.
I agree with vojtech.
If you have Windows 2000/XP see Administrative Tools / Services and check if the 2 avast! services is running with automatically start
Technical, ashMaiSv.exe is not a service. It’s a normal program (it’s the mail protection proxy). It can’t be started/stoped by using the Services applet.
Sorry, It was a wrong customisation setting in Zone Alarm
Thanks a lot .
Oops, sorry. I mess with ashUpdSv.exe
I can send e-mails,but I do not receive them…
This happen because I set some rules in OE > Tools/msg rules /e-mail/…
(for example I don’t want to download e-mail with attachement…)
Cannot I set these rules with avast! e-mail protection ? ( these rules were my e-mail protection…).
PS - these terms are a my translation from OE/tools ,I hope it’s
I 've choosen my "message rules " way…
Too many stupid virus lately (my e-mail adress
is among those that receive all of those stupid
letters : I’ll have to change it…!).
I’ve changed something of " Filter IN" setting in OE and I’ve got what I wanted also with Avast! installed ( I get the e-mails of people in Address book and the remaining e-mails to the Deleted Items folder …waiting for Avast! anti-Spam…). Meanwhile I have installed MailWasher
( http://www.mailwasher.net/index.php ), a good anti-Spam that is not in conflict with Avast, because ISP mail server is not reached through OE !!!