I’m not sure if I set up may email accounts in the mail protection wizard right. I use hotmail and netscape mostly, although I’ll probably start using Gmail when and if it comes out. Anyway can you guys walk me through the process of conconfiguring the mail protection wizard for hotmail and netscape (the steps) just so I can make sure I did it right and its protecting those accounts. Thanks.
avast mail protection wizard does not configure HTTTP based mail clients like hotmail
Oh, umh, what does it configure then?
POP3 and SMTP based accounts (like used in outlook express)
Could you name some other services that it works with. Anything and everything besides outlook.
Outlook Express
The Bat
Mozilla Thunderbird
and many more
It does cover Netscape, so your good on that one. Not sure if theres anything you need to do to get it to work with Netscape or not.
But as for Hotmail, it use McAfee I believe so you’re pretty safe on Hotmail as is.
The Bat is an email account. I didn’t know that when I installed it. Couldn’t open it up so figured it was useless and uninstalled and reinstalled Avast. Anyway to download “The Bat” seperately, and how does it open?