Mail Protection

Does Avast Home Mail Protection work with Incredimail and Pegasus?

I’m having a brutal time getting things to work with Incredimail.

I have:

  1. told it to remove protection (to start fresh)
  2. verified all instances of incredimail are shutdown.
  3. run mail protection and select to auto protect all e-mail accounts.
  4. restart incredimail
  5. Now I can’t send or receive. I get a 550 error saying we do not relay…

Any suggestions?

Not really thrilled about messing with my e-mail. I use Pegasus to manage several accounts with different mailservers.



Just reset the pop and smtp reservers in Incredimail

OK…let me rephrase…I can fix the problem so that I can send/receive e-mail, but only if I chose to not use mail protection. I’m trying to get mail protection to work with my e-mail program, or is it my ISP that is causing the problem?

Check if your account is properly configured for avast after proceeding the wizard, i.e.
incoming mailserver:
username for incoming mail: NAME#POPSERVER
outgoing mail server:
authentication for outgoing mail: YES
username for outgoing mail: NAME#SMTPSERVER or #SMTPSERVER

Didn’t you get the error message “port already in use” ?
What error do you get when receiving mail ?

Yes, it does. I have IncrediMail configured and working. The Pegasus with a lot of accounts could bring trouble. It was discussed a lot here in forums.

Do you use any spam killer? Which program is using the port?

P.S. For the old users… Missing Walker… Where is he? What happened with him… :cry:

Technical, who is Walker? ::slight_smile:
Can he help me with avast! and Pegasus?

Walker deleted himself from the forum :frowning: