Mail Scanner Warning

On system startup I get the following warning

avast!: mail scanner warning

avast! was not able to protect outgoing mail (SMTP protocol), error 10048

port 25 is already in use, specify another port value (se section “cooperating with other software”) ect. ect.

after reading and following said instructions there is no change

I use a proxy.

any help would be gratefully recieved.

Hedgehog, another program uses the port 25 to connect the Internet and send emails.
You can try TCP View program ( to discover which is this program.

Most probably you are using an spam killer and you must configure avast to work with both programs (‘cooperation’ as you wrote in your post). :wink:

Thank You

I will try this.

I use Outlook 2000 and I have same problem (the only one so far with avast!) with the port 25 and 110 messages at startup time.
Being not a technical person I cannot understand the explanation given in the avast! help section, neither the one given here to Hedgehug about using a program to find out what port is using what application, and apply then the “cooperation”. I installed that program and see no port numbers at all.
Can anyone give me a simple solution to get avast! Home using the ports it needs and my other applications using their’s with no interference at all and no related messages?
Suspect applications for the port conflict are BlackICE and Spam Inspector,… for the best of my knowledge.

I suggest you let avast at the default settings (close your email programs and run Mail Protection Wizard from avast) and configure both MS Outlook and Spam Inspector to listen ports 26 and 111 for instance.

Thanks! I did first part (Mail Protection Wizard) from the very beginning, and once more now. But changing ports for MS Outlook, Spam Inspector and maybe BlackICE is a task beyond my skills.