Mail Shield Causing Shutdown Delays In Mailwasher

Here’s a link to my open thread over at dslreports:

I’ve narrowed it down to the Mail Shield and since there is not much I can do in options even under expert settings I’m at a stand still as to what I can do next?

I have mailwasher pro and at the best of times it is slow to A start and B shutdown (without any interaction with avast).

Note avast’s Mail Shield would scan the email traffic to MailWasher:

  • Personally as a mailwasher pro (2011) user I have avast IgnoreProcess for MailWasherProApp.exe. Since MailWasher doesn’t download the complete email to do its analysis, it only downloads the headers, a small part of the body, it doesn’t download images or attachments and it views what is downloaded in text only. Based on this I personally don’t feel that any negligible risk worth scanning duplication, but the choice is yours.

By editing the EmailShield.ini file, [EmailScanner] section using notepad. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Avast Software\Avast\EmailShield.ini

IgnoreProcess=MailWasherProApp.exe add this line if you don’t already have an IgnoreProcess line.

Save the changes to EmailShield.ini and exit, the avast self-defence module will ask are you sure about the changes, etc. answer Yes.

The above file location is for XP so you might need to find it on Vista, etc. (c:\ProgramData\Avast Software.…)

Since you are using the free version you will have to substitute the MailWasherProApp.exe executable for the one used by the free version.

I edited the ini file as you suggested and it has worked so far.

For future reference: The free version is “IgnoreProcess=MailWasher.exe”

My only question now is why does the Avast tray icon still spin when opening Mailwasher but not when opening Outlook Express?

Because that is the way a resident (on-access) antivirus works, when you run and executable file, it is scanned to ensure that it isn’t infected.

I certainly wouldn’t recommend excluding files from being scanned by the file system shield.

I no longer use OE (so I can’t confirm one way or another), as it is a very outdated email program which hasn’t had any development by MS for some considerable time. I use thunderbird and I know that is scanned when it is first opened.

Some files that are digitally signed may well be in the Persistent cache, which means they wouldn’t be scanned every time, unless they have changed and obviously still have a valid digital signature.

So using the avastUI, Real-Time Shields, Expert Settings, Advanced, ensure that the persistent cache option is checked, I would go further and ensure all three options are checked.


Still no delays.

Thanks for the help.

No problem, glad I could help.

Somewhat quicker than the firetrust is likely to be.

Welcome to the forums.

Well, it seems as though it was never a problem with Avast after all, it’s happening again. Out of curiosity I double checked the ini file:

SubjectForSuspiciousMsg=*** SUSPICIOUS ***
SubjectForVirusMsg=*** VIRUS ***

Do I need to give it a numerical value to enable the ignoreprocess? I’m off to Firetrust forums to bump my old thread.

No you need to put it in the correct section [EmailScanner] so just after that section heading and before the next section [heading] as in my example in Reply #1

So move the new line to directly after the [EmailScanner] section heading.

[b][EmailScanner] IgnoreProcess=MailWasher.exe[/b]

Oh OK, that makes sense.

I made the change, now I’ll have to wait and see if it happens again.

Thanks again.

You’re welcome.

If you haven’t already done so you either need to Stop and Start the Mail Shield for the changes made in the .ini file to take effect or reboot.

Yes, I always reboot after making any registry changes and thanks for the reminder.

Still getting the delays so I think we can scratch Avast off the list of possible offenders. :wink:

No help over at Firetrust forums yet.

I don’t know how the slowdowns present themselves, but when it happens try to quickly open the task manager and see what processes are using the most CPU %.

I obviously have the latest version of MailWasher Pro and when I close that it takes a little time and I see a brief display where mailwasher appears to be saving settings, etc. the latest version also uses .net framework and for me that is the biggest waste of time.

I questioned them on why it needed .net framework and it seems it is more for their benefit (easier future development) than that of the user. So I don’t know if the free version of mailwasher 6.5.4 actually uses .net or not.

Not really sure what NET Framework does but I know I have the latest and greatest, NET Framework 4. Version 4 cleared up some issues I was having with the latest Creative Soundblaster drivers. I was having issues with the latest Nvidia Forceware drivers also but I just rolled them back to the older drivers to avoid any conflict.

I will have the task manager open the next time I open MW. I also have CamStudio so I can record the process in realtime and upload it as a video file.

I uploaded an AVI of the processes while opening MW: not much help since the shutdown delay didn’t happen during the recording but it may give you some insight?

OK, I posted a 2nd AVI in which I caught the delay.

I can’t get either of the clips to work correctly the speed is just too fast (using winamp, I don’t use WMP), considering one is 20 seconds and the other 11 seconds they are done in a second or so. Too fast to see anything.

I don’t see anything out of the ordinary?

MailWasher uses 6% CPU during delay and peaks at 13% CPU at shutdown.

System peaks at 11% during the delay and drops to 2% at shutdown.

All other processes are idle at 0% during this time.

Which basically confirms that the problem is one of MailWasher’s making.

I have found that ever since it was upgraded (can’t recall when) requiring the use of .net framework it has been sluggish at startup (hence the inclusion of the MailWasher PreLoader.exe), which I don’t allow to start on boot. So for me MailWasher takes a little longer to start from cold.

Also on shutdown when it has to tidy up, save settings, etc. and close down.

I have been using it for many years mainly because I was on dial-up and it effectively got rid of the spam before I downloaded the remaining legit email on slow dial-up (not a problem now I’m on broadband. I fear that it has become bloated but it is still a very effective program.

Well, the experts over at Firetrust forums seem to have no interest in any hiccups in the free version. I can’t really blame them, after all, it is free. So unless someone with MW Pro chimes in with the same problem I doubt it will be resolved.

Thanks again for your patience and help.

No problem, glad I could help.

Interestingly I have just had an update in MW Pro as they are now updating to use Visual Basic C++ 2010, don’t know if that will improve the speed.