Mail Shield, Eudora, and SSL

I was requested by DavidR to create a new topic with this post. So:

I have been having problems not being able to download mail Using Eudora and Outlook Express on WinXP Pro after doing the update that Avast free asked me to do. I upgraded to 5.0.677 but do not know what version I had before, I had been in the habit of always updating the software whenever Avast asked me to do so, I assume I had the next latest version.

I have several email accounts set up in Eudora (yeah, some people still use Eudora) and found that if even one account has SSL enabled for SMTP or POP it breaks Avast and I can no longer check mail on any email account using either Eudora or Outlook Express.

I had Eudora set up to use SSL and Avast did not like it. I just re-created the problem by setting Eudora to use SSL when checking mail. It worked one time, then produced errors in both Eudora and Outlook Express.
The error code produced by Eudora:
POP server command error: ERR Cannot establish SSL with POP server ipaddress:110, SSL_connect error 336031966
The error shown by Outlook Express:
The server responded with an error. Account: ‘myemail(not shown here)’, Server: ‘’, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: ‘-ERR Cannot establish SSL with POP server myipaddress:110, SSL_connect error 336031996’, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC90
Avast changed the encryption from SSL to TLS.

I did one more test and changed Outlook Express to use SSL when checking mail. I noticed that O.E. changed the port number from 110 to 995 for SSL. This did not break Avast.

When Avast (free) breaks like this I have had to go into Avast, select REAL-TIME SHIELDS, then Mail Shield, then Expert Settings, then SSL accounts. There I have to delete the account before I can receive mail again. I found that when this happens Avast changes the security from SSL to TLS for some reason. Maybe this is a bug? I don’t know.

This only started for me today, after Avast updated to the 5.0.677 software. I called the Avast free tech support, provided by iYogi, and was on the phone with the tech remote controlling my computer for about 45 minutes. He claimed it was a problem with my computer and had nothing to do with Avast. He offered to fix it for $175. I would not recommend calling them.

I am one miserable Avast user.

Avast won’t hold the settings. I am told to uninstall and reinstall.

Seems it would be better to just find another protector.

I have now figured out how to send one message. That is all I can send without resetting Avast.

Truly let down.

Same problem here with Eudora and Avast 5. Everything was fine yesterday. I also use an odd old program to check for spam before downloading, and that doesn’t work either. I have about 20 email accounts at various servers, and some of them (most notably at do still work in Eudora. For the rest, I either have to turn off inbound mail scanning or delete all the accounts in the ssl accounts/expert section. Please find a fix soon or I’ll have to go back to one of the other av software services that I gave up for Avast.

PS ARrrhg, Mateys. It is after all, Talk Like a Pirate Day, and I am using the Pirate language on Avast if that makes any difference to you scurvy swabs.

Not that this is an perfect solution

I (Aye in Pirate talk) too had this problem come up

I went into avast>Mail Shield>Expert Setting>SSL Accounts> and changed each of the listed accounts encryption to “None” and it seems to work

Sure that will mess with your SSL but, at this point, that’s all the time I have to spend unscrewing this mess

I found a solution to my problem and hopefully it will help the rest of you.
Make sure that the SSL in your email account settings is not checked. It may be worded diffrently in diffrent programs. In basic words you don’t want a secure connection in your email account. Then go to the Avast user interface. Click on “Settings” in the new window, on the left click on “troubleshooting”.
Then click on the bar that says “Redirect Settings”.
Under “Mail” SMTP port(s): 25,587. Change the 25,587 to just 25. Then click OK!
Now my Avst mail sheild is scanning and I can send and recieve e-mails! Good Luck and I hope this works for you.

Thanks, that worked for me and Eudora. :slight_smile:

All of you people have improper settings in your email client and/or avast SSL accounts GUI. Also, disabling 587 port monitoring is not any solution, it merely causes avast to NOT scan mail sent via the submission port.

Once again:

  • NO encryption in client, ports at normal (25/110/143)
  • Avast will take care of the encryption itself as needed.
  • If you have messed with SSL accounts settings in Avast, best thing you can do is to delete all the accounts there and let Avast redetect.
    - If you still have problems, screenshots please (email account settings in your email client showing the ports, ditto for avast SSL accounts GUI).

Also, all this is described in the help (press F1 when in mail shield settings in Avast GUI) and in online Avast knowledge base. And zillion times here.

Avast! will scan my outgoing cause I don’t have outgoing set as SSL, But it won’t scan incoming cause I can’t disable SSL/TLS in Outlook cause then I won’t receive emails. I suggest that Avast! revamps the email scanning methods

Because your setup is broken. Once again, as said above. Screenshots if you want any help.

Here is my current settings, What’s in the block can not be changed and if it is Outlook will not receive the emails!

That is obviously wrong. Delete ALL accounts in Avast mail shield - SSL accounts, disable encryption above and set the port to normal (110).


Tired of this. I have asked to post BOTH email client and Avast GUI - SSL accounts screenshots. Yet again, not done. Also, not knowing who is your email provider does not help here really either.

:frowning: ::slight_smile: