Main Avast screen freeze!

Ok, the first time this happened, I decided not to post it here in the forum, thinking it was a fluke. However, it happened again so I must ask about it. I have had the Avast main screen freeze twice. Its the main screen where you set the drives or folders to be scanned. Where you make adjustments such as thorough scan or standard, or scan within archives. Its the main screen that you can watch when it scans, and you can view the files that are being scanned. Anyway, it did freeze on me twice so far, where none of the options respond. I had to re-boot, and then everything was fine again.

The screen that pops up when you click on the spinning a icon down by the clock works perfectly fine. Never had any problems with that, just the main scanning screen that you use to scan your system. Has anyone else had this happen?


It is freezing during a thorough scan?

No I wasn’t even scanning my system yet. I just had the main screen up on my desktop. And then I clicked on the Avast icon down by the clock, and made a few adjustments, then minimized it back down by the clock. Then when I went to click on the hard drive icon on the main scanning screen nothing would happen. It was just froze there. So I just rebooted and everything was fine. It does a full thorough scan just fine, even within archives. Its just that the main screen froze before I even could start a scan.


Okay, I tried to duplicate the problem but was unable. The Alwil staff will probably address this when they come back on shift.

Maybe its a skin problem? I am using the wide screen skin. Anyway, I will wait to see if the Alwil staff has any comments.


Try switching skins. Personally, I use the low resolution skin.

I played around with it a bunch more and could not get it to do it again. Maybe it was a combination of having both the main scanner screen, and the Avast on access scanner screen up at the same time making adjustments, I don’t know.


Interesting, never heard of this problem so far… :-\

Well, I encountered a skin problem a number of times… I’m not sure if it’s the same, but it was like this:
The program itself was working (I guess), but the user interface (skin) was “mouse-transparent” - i.e. whenever I clicked on it, the click went to the window below it. So, there was not way to control it, of course.
Killing the program and restarting it helped, though.

I also had the other day a major crash, well it wasnt a crash persay, my Graphic card lost its connection to the drivers causing the VPU to try to restore them, if failed and only had 36 colors…

This only happens when a thorough scan is done of every single aspect of comp. It has happened twice now, but only when scanning.

Something to maybe look into guys…

Anyother questions on specs at all let me know and ill provide…

Just got done doing a review at cnet, couldnt have possibly given better reccomends, and am shortly going to add banner to my online store…

Thanks guys

Hmmm…maybe thats what happened to me. Hard to say, because I did not have anything else under the screen. The rest of my PC worked fine, its just that clicking on any part of the main Avast screen did nothing, it was froze. I will keep an eye on it and see if it happens again. It might be skin related.


Ok the screen/skin freeze occured again. I had the wide screen skin on my desktop, and also had the resident protection screen up where you can make adjustments. I then minimized the resident protection screen back down by the clock. I then clicked on the folder option and was going to do a selective scan on my second hard drive. After selecting the folder that I wanted scanned, I clicked the start button and nothing happened. I then tried all the other buttons, and the whole skin was froze. Other software on my system would work fine when I double clicked them. When I would exit any other program, part of that program screen was left behind the Avast skin. I am including some screen shots. Then when I brought up task manager and ended the easy user interface, part of it remained on my screen. I then clicked on another software icon and brought up that screen to my desktop, then closed it and the Avast skin was gone.


Heres the other screen shot before I hit end task in task manager. That screen behind the Avast skin is my zone alarm firewall after exiting it.


I wonder if some of the skins don’t work 100% with some graphics cards. My wife has avast on her PC, using the same wide screen skin, and I for the life of me can not get it to freeze on her PC, like it did on my system.

She is running an Nvidia G-force 2 graphics card. I have alot newer system running a Radeon 9800 pro graphics card.

I have switced to a different skin, and will see if that helps!


That sounds like a possiblily, I also switched skins, not even thinking that could be it, and have not had that situation arrise since.

me wonders…i had the G5 skin on, now its back to default, and no more vpu errors with graphics…

Does the person that makes the skins test them with all graphics cards? I find it odd that the wide sceen skin works fine(so far) on my wifes older PC with an older Nvidia card. And then I have had the same skin freeze on my system with a top of the line ATI card. But then again the graphics card may have nothing to do with it! ???


It may actually be a bug in the skinning framework (which is unfortunately not developed by ourselves but licensed from a third party)…

I have no idea whether it’s video card -dependent but it may be, given that many people have never experienced the problem…

Hmmmm…well if it is video card dependent, you might start to see more issues with this, here in the forum, as people start upgrading video cards.


Very true, with new cards and the drive to make better drivers, its forever changing set of variables. anyways, its the protection we need not the looks, therefore ill stick with the default till someone discovers the reasons for this.

Yeah, but is the default skin framework any different than the other skins? Who made the default skin?
