Major login and account problem

I cannot enter my account, whatever password I tried. I also tried “forgot password” icon. The system tells me that an email was send to my account. NADA, NOTHING in my email account. I just upgraded to Premier in August. Now I cannot enter my account. I received another email telling me that my Avast Internet Security is about to expire.
I tried and tried and tried to access my account. Yesterday I entered a question as a guest in Support. I received the email to acknowledge that my question was received. But to check the progress of my question I have to log in to my account, as crazy as this may sound. I proceeded to create an account with the same email address. It recognizes my Premier antivirus. But as I tried to enter support it asks me again (while I am still logged in) to log in. Entering same email address it tells me that either my email address or password is invalid. This is absurd. HELP Please as this is very frustrating.

You could ask and receive an answer to your question here in the Support Forum. :slight_smile:
Probably faster than by submitting a ticket. :slight_smile: