I have one major proposal. As you could already see from thread title it’s about avast! Home Edition registration. I know it’s great to have such fine product as avast! for free but from what i see, it’s still a major pain in the ass to less knowledgeable ppl. Sure i install them avast! and tell them to register it on www.avast.com but most of them don’t even have clue where to do that, others don’t know where to input the key, some others don’t even know how this whole process goes. So is there any chance to see this thing as integrated part of avast! someday? I mean so that program itself will simple ask user to input registartion info and submit it to your servers for confirmation, after it’s confirmed, program auto registers it with acquired key.
Copy of the key is also sent to users email with link to that flash video on how to register avast! manually.
Or simply create system similar to the one used by AntiVir which generates a random key which is then used to track the number of users. I know this would require quiet some work but i’m sure it would really pay off to both sides. Maybe even more for the users. I also have other ideas how to deal with this issue so if there will be enough interest in this, i can tell them here.
Any thoughts on this subject?