Making A Backup of My Drivers

Hello all. I’ve decided that I want to reformat my computer. It may be hard to believe, but this is the first time I have reformatted this computer in the 6 or 7 years that I’ve had it.

I want to make a backup of only the drivers on my computer (modem, video card, etc). I don’t believe the company that made my modem exists anymore, and so it is especially important for me to back the drivers and any other files that the modem needs.

Can someone please help me out and tell me where I would have to go to back up my drivers? Is there any utility in Windows that would help me do this easily?

I know I should just use the driver software that came with the computer, but unfortunately I cannot find it anywhere.

I would really, really appreciate any help.

Knock yourself out :wink:

Double Driver 1.0

Thanks for the fast reply.

That tool looks really interesting, and just what I need!

But just for completeness sakes, how could I manually back up my drivers?

Also, when I re-format my computer, do I need to back up my BIOS? Maybe this is a stupid question, but I have never reformatted my computer before.

You’re welcome :wink:

That tool is a candy in it’s field. Simple, elegant & usefull. It lists all the drivers on your system. Good thing is that next to listed driver it show the names of the company that manufactured the driver. If you are not sure what driver to backup, go to Device Manager in the control panel and see the names of drivers of hardver pieces that you want to backup.

No, you don’t 8)

BIOS is the Basic Input/Output System and is installed on the computer’s motherboard. It controls the most basic operations and is responsible for starting your computer up and initializing the hardware. It is data that is usually held in a ROM chip, which can be updated by “flashing”. BIOS upgrades may correct errors, support new CPUs, support new hardware, etc.

Personally I’ve never tried to manually backup the drivers although you raised very interasting & important question.

Anyone on manual driver backup??

I use a program called Driver Genius Pro. It may not be free but sure does one heck of a job.
more info available HERE