While I was reading responses on McAfee’s site I realized that could be because of some attacks, happend in 2009-2010.
I’ve already send them a message, asking to exclude our site from blacklist, because we had nothing dangerous for last 2 years for sure( actually, I dont know if something could be before, because I wasn’t working on it at that time).
In that case I’m asking to exclude our site from your blacklist database too.
thank you for your answer.
First of all - I see now, that some results of 2009-2010 hack attacks are still on server. I’ve been told that everything was cleaned those days.
I se files you’ve mentioned:
Thats why I gonna ask guys to check everything up.
But nevertheless I see nothing suspicious in html and other scripts. As for me - they all are clean.
I dont understand what you’ve meant here:
Still unknown html malware is active your domain since 2012-08-22 23:04:52 and still alive...
see: http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/mdl.php?search=floranimal.ru&colsearch=All&quantity=50
caus’ the link u gave is talking just about 2 files, that definitely must be deleted, but there is nothing that could harm your system while browsing the site.
I still gonna check everything once again, but would you be so kind, if you see something dangerous on the site - show me please where exactly you’ve seen it.
adnet is an advert network, nothing more. As I could see all those “site trust-o-meters” suppose that any links or sites that connected to seo links selling platforms or advert networks – are malicious.
So what we have to do? Remove our advert just because someone thinks it’s suspicious?
Ok. I see this 100/100 Malicious, but can anyone explain WHAT exactly does this stupid scanner see? As I’ve told before - I see noothing suspicious in links it gives - at all.
Isn’t it enough to post it here?
Ok, If so - I’ll try to do it by filling one more form.
It is has nothing to do with that scanner, because part of what it flags is also taken from blacklisting by other sources. And according to me your site has not as yet regained it’s crystal clear web reputation. Some blacklists are a bit slow in renewal when malware is no longer responding (so-called dead malware), closed, and so the blocks sometimes go on a bit longer than the infection lasted. With infections that were on there for weeks and weeks, I can imagine that to be the case. ParetoLogic is known to have an outdated list and also Russian http://www.mwis.ru/ has a lot of alerts for what really is “water under the bridge”…history so to say…
Just wait what your reported FP brings,