Malicious url blocked for

today for the first time Avast IS alerted me for a malicious url on ( or any other url* ). I was actually trying, like everyday, to access my local dev server ( a xampp installation ). Avast’s version is 6.0.1091. XAMPP’s version is xampp-win32-1.7.4-VC6. No other security software running on Win Vista 32bit. Upgraded yesterday to Avast IS 6.0.1091. Running this version…is my first attempt to access the server so I have only one certain thing: before the upgrade there was no alert.

it will be fixed asap.



Similar thing here. I went on to the website of The Guardian (a UK national newspaper), clicked on to their lead story and up pops a warning about a blocked site. When I look at the Network Shield, it shows the same group of numbers as above followed by the word guardian and a lot of other words and numbers.

Just seen the post above.

Thank you, Milos.

Same thing happens with my Carbonite online backup service. It’s desperately trying to backup my stuff and gets hit over the head by Avast over and over again. The Avast alerts are driving me crazy!!!

They are working on the issue. Please be patient until the next virus-db-update.

Same issue with, but this time it’s the ads in my Yahoo! Inbox that are getting flagged.

Waiting for new update.

Hi there - do you have an ETA on the new DB update as my users who are accessing our internal finance systems are getting blocked messages and limited access

Couldn’t find the server time and am in australia but guessing this is a recent problem as I am unable to do anything without it ‘blocking a malicious URL’

The ETA is about 15 minutes from now.



Should now be fixed. Please update to definitions version 110420-1 to resolve the issue.


Issue fixed for me with the latest virus db update. Thank you.

Yeah, I just got a “malicious” something detected. I think it was a web site. I was on my facebook page at the moment, so thought it sounded incorrect. I wasn’t going to some unknown site at the time.

I don’t know how to find a record of the warning in my avast! app…I checked all the shields.

I went in and got program version 6.0.1091 and rebooted.

Even though this was a good idea, it was not the cause / solution since the problem was within the virus data base, not the program. ;D Luckily that updates with the program as well.

Virus def version 110420-1

thanks for the tip

hehe so it was bug, and i was like what the hell is going on YT video i viewed several times