MALICIOUS URL BLOCKED when using Firefox


I’ve used Avast Free for a while and never had any problems until now.
When using Firefox a red alert box pops up repeatedly every few seconds that says - MALICIOUS URL BLOCKED.
If I click the ‘More details’ button I’m redirected to a page which suggests I upgrade to a paid version of Avast.
The infection details given are -
URL: hxxp://…
Process: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\f…
Infection: URL:Mal
Couldn’t get it to copy the full links but that’s what is given.

I haven’t changed any toolbars that I use with Firefox and have updated Firefox and Avast but it hasn’t made a difference. :frowning:

Any help appreciated, thanks.

Try a forum search for toolbarservice.freecause, there are other related topics. See, just one of them.

Please modify your URL hXXp:// as in this example change the http to hXXp to prevent accidental access to the suspect site.

Thanks DavidR, had a look at the thread you suggested and it seems that its been resolved. Not sure if it applies to me as I’m currently using Chrome as it has no toolbars to trigger the alert.
I’m new to the forum so didn’t realise I should be modifying the links, think I’ve done it though.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

It looks like something is being done about it (probably by both sides, avast and so hopefully it won’t be back.

Yes toolbars would have to be on all browsers to possibly trigger this on all browsers. If you try using firefox again it would probably all right. Me I loath and detest toolbars, I believe any limited benefit to a user is by far outweighed by what the vendor gets out of you.


Using Firefox at the moment and the alert has thankfully gone :slight_smile:
I just find the Nectar toolbar handy as I’m forgetful and would miss out on points and offers otherwise.
Thanks for your help.

followup- I began to receive this exact pop up today and my system has no toolbars of any kind installed.
I am running Program Version: 7.0.1466. My system is running on Windows XP.
The Tech Support Team has been alerted.

More followup- I updated the Avast Program with nothing else open
and no other internet connections open either and it made no difference.
As soon as my system restarted, the popups began once again, and they continue now as I type this
One additional note to add: in my popup window, the Process is noted as being different that that
noted by the O/P of this thread.
In my popup window, the Process is listed as: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\svchost.exe
The popups appear one at a time, 1 thru 13 of them at the moment. as 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4 etc
After the 13/13 appears, the popups end for about 60 secs, then start all over again.
Hopefully all this will be useful to help solve this issue.