I have Avast! for 2 years now.
Today, by mistake, I oppened a file that I do believe is a virus/malaware/spyware… well, something bad.
Avast! is doing his good work and is blocking the file from openning a URL. The dreaded red poppup appears every 5 minutes or so. This is not a false positive.
My problem is, I can´t find the file to delete it and Avast! is blocking the access, knows where the file is but does not clean it.
What should I do (other then format my pc…) to clean this file?
The file is “VoiceMail_Lisbon.exe” and is in the “users/…/appdata/local/temp/temp1_VoiceMail_Lisbon.zip/”
But when I´m in the temp directory, there is no “temp1_VoiceMail_Lisbon.zip”…
Can someone help?
Thanks in advance,
João Sá