Malicious URL


I have Avast! for 2 years now.

Today, by mistake, I oppened a file that I do believe is a virus/malaware/spyware… well, something bad.

Avast! is doing his good work and is blocking the file from openning a URL. The dreaded red poppup appears every 5 minutes or so. This is not a false positive.

My problem is, I can´t find the file to delete it and Avast! is blocking the access, knows where the file is but does not clean it.

What should I do (other then format my pc…) to clean this file?

The file is “VoiceMail_Lisbon.exe” and is in the “users/…/appdata/local/temp/”

But when I´m in the temp directory, there is no “”…

Can someone help?

Thanks in advance,

João Sá

Follow the logs to assist in cleaning malware at top in the viruses and worms forum section