Malicious VBS script detected here...

Hi malware fighters,

For the script see analysis here:
Here it is not detected, but reported as a possibility:
Technical details:

Various instances found: Virus
Threats found: 6

Threat Name: VBS.Invadesys.A
Location: htxp://

Threat Name: VBS.Invadesys.A
Location: htxp://

Threat Name: VBS.Invadesys.A
Location: htxp://

Threat Name: VBS.Invadesys.A
Location: htxp://

Threat Name: VBS.Invadesys.A
Location: hxtp://

Threat Name: VBS.Invadesys.A
Location: htxp://

Heuristic Virus

Threats found: 4
Here is a complete list:
Threat Name: VBS.Invadesys.A
Location: htxp://

Threat Name: VBS.Invadesys.A
Location: htxp://

Threat Name: VBS.Invadesys.A
Location: htxp://

Threat Name: VBS.Invadesys.A
Location: htxp://

Drive-By Downloads 

Threats found: 1
Here is a complete list:
Threat Name: VBS.Invadesys.A
File name: c:\windows\system32.vbs
Location: htxp://

part of VBS code see attached gif

VirusTotal - presentations.html - 27/40

Virustotal - marinho.htm - 1/41

Hi Pondus,

So the script is detected, so I guess the site is then disconnected as well?
The second one was well worth reporting, hope avast will come to detect it soon…
