Malware and virus reocurring

I have often wondered why software in the malware/virus protection filed has not progressed to the creation of such software that can, once malware or virus has been detected and prevented, create a “block” from ever allowing those particular demons from getting past the firewall in the first place.
I have noticed that the very same malware and virus continues to be allowed in past the firewall, detected and prevented. That is very good, but better would be to prevent it’s return in the first place.

The malware writers change the files almost daily so blocking it today would not work tomorrow

And firewalls does not detect malware

As long as users, webmasters and webserver admins do not fully upgrade and patch their software, malcreants can proceed to attack and also find ways to circumvent detection (obfuscation, random algorithms, random domain launching, arp poisoning, nixdomain abuse, DNS abuse etc. etc. etc… It is a cat and mouse game where the dark forces seem to have the better of the game (see the large number of jobless and underpaid developers going to join the hackers, crackers and cyberbrigands). Recently malcreants used undocumented code functions to be able to go under the radar of av detection or even had them crash. There is a continuous war out there between the malcreants and the protectors, analysts etc. What is not helping particularly is that there is a vast array of people that absolutely without zilch knowledge about how to protect their users (webmasters, hosters that think rather of profit than security) and themselves are allowed unto the Interwebs. Google Safe Browsing finds up 10.000 insecure and malicious websites a day! Now I can think you can formulate an answer to your question yourself…
