malware cookies?????

i was told i have malware cookies on laptop. i have never had any warnings or anything pop up. is there any way to check?

who told you?

and if you mean tracking cookies…they are not malware

you can empty your cookie folder by running CCleaner.
OBS…remember to uncheck the toolbar install…unless you want it

i was told by hp (having issues with keyboard) and they had me download from super anti spyware. it said i had 177. they wanted to charge me to remove and clean up.

superantispyware will detect an remove tracing cookies…for free.
so will ccleaner…it will remove all cookies and lots of other crap files…for free

avast and malwarebytes does not look for tracking cookies as they are not malware

and if you need malware removal help, we do it here in the forum…for free. :wink:
see the virus and worms forum section

Likely HP support thought you might have something different, not tracking cookies. Such as a keylogger program installed? A keylogger will monitor keystrokes on your keyboard. I think that is what they were looking for evidence of.


As Pondus says, why pay HP for any support you may need, or use paid programs? Support is free here. No such thing as malware cookies, btw.

Sounds like a scam. Don’t pay them…!!!

You can also set most browsers to do this at the end of a session such as closing the browser.