Malware Found! [Undetected by avast!]

Here: hxxp://

VirusTotal report:

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you should add “undetected by Avast” in your thread title

Thanks for your suggestion Logos!.

I think that would be fairly obvious as there would be little point in posting it if it were detected.

Given what it is, a network sniffer, it is classed by some as riskware or a PUP, etc. and that wouldn’t be detected on an on-demand scan unless you had is set to scan for PUPs.

re-discovered the wheel david ??? ::slight_smile:

np 8)

Here: hxxp://

Malware type: Trojan-Spy.Win32.Banker

VirusTotal report:

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Hi Llanziel,

Funny to see that DrWeb misses it, while it is being used here to proof that MSN Sniffer software is 100% clean:


Directory found! Several malicious files

Here: hxxp://

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Are those malicious programs are safe for his owner. :wink: