Malware in Apps detected


today my Free Avast mobil App for Android Version 6.45.1 detected Maleware in 3 of my Apps. The Malware was detected in Sat.1 App / Bringmeister App and / Veve App. All of them had bin downloaded form the officile Google Play Store. It would be great if someone could check for False Positve, please.
My current Virus update version is 220122-00


Hi, you can report a suspected FP (File/Website) here:

I can’t report this on the FP Website because i can’t submit a file or website. This are Apps that maybe contain Mailware and i can’t upload them !

Report the link(s) and mention it in the description.

Dev-Info: Hello everyone, there was an issue with FileRep, leading to False Positives. The issue has been resolved (1 PM CET).