I just did an Avast scan on my MacBook.
I was concerned because the following Malware Player.dmg was detected, which had apparently been downloaded in May 2018 and had been sitting in my downloads folder since then. I don’t recall ever manually downloading this or clicking on the link, so it was dormant lying in my downloads folder.
My question is what “Other: Malware-gen trj” could mean for a Mac. I have since deleted this file after the scan finished, but I am worried that a keylogger has been installed - even though I don’t recall ever downloading this file. It was just sitting in my folder.
Any advice? I checked before Avast with Malware Bytes and it didn’t detect anything even though Avast did, so maybe it’s not malware or at least not a keylogger?
In my log, it said:
player.dmg - MacOS-Bundlore-AQ(Adw)
And under it
Player/.3551773240.png - Other:Malware-gen(Trj)
Player/.DS_store MacOS:Agent-Fe(Adw)
Player/player_240.app/Contents/MacOS/edP7mrA MacOS-Bundlore-AQ(Adw)
I am running newest versions. Is this a keylogger?
Thank you!