Does avast detect? look new and not blacklisted here
PC version asking for your age and probably other personal data
Android version refer to htxp://
In my phone, it attract respond by stating that there is free new emoji for whatsapp avalible for update AFTER I share this message with 10 people. (Which, for some clear reason, I find that just clicking the share button without actually sharing is enough :P)
Then, after I done “sharing”,the button change to “Go” and is redirecting to the ad in htxp:// as shown in
That page have some secret redirection to phishing advertisment, here is an example. I am redirected to HTXP://OFFERFACTORY.CLICK where it ask me to install an update for my google play store, which everyone know is a fake one.
My mother phone also have that shared message and after the sharing, she is ask to update android frimware (fake again, I forgot to note down the website.)