Need the vaccine/solution to this spyware/malware… WORKNO.RU …
Please follow the instructions and provide the needed log files >
3 attached LOG files.
Please, its my server Computer in my office.
Thanks a LOT.
and you use Hacktool / Cracked software on it ?
HackTool.Agent.KMS, C:\WINDOWS\KMS-QADHOOK.DLL, Quarentena, [12260], [151261],1.0.1279
HackTool.Agent.KMS, C:\WINDOWS\KMS-QADHOOK.DLL, Quarentena, [12260], [151261],1.0.1279
And that on a “server” that is running Windows 7… :
I do not use it, not that I know … I’ve never installed this Hacktool … is it what’s upsetting?
And that on a “server” that is running Windows 10… :
No, my Operacional System is Win 7 Ultimate 64
Start with removing all illegal software.
Start with removing all illegal software.
Sorry about my POOR english. Im in Brazil and speak other language.
I clean in the Control Panel ALL the sofwares that i dont use. Just my W7 Ult64 is Illegal.
Well, there is your problem.
Remove it and put a OS on it in a legal way.