Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit has come out of beta!

For the first adopters here,

Glad to announce Malewarebytes Anti-Exploit - former Exploit Shield has come out of beta as of to-day.
Get your stable version now, you beta testers. It blocked 8 exploit attempts for me,


Still listed as beta on their website. :wink:

It’d be amazing if it was integrated with MalwareBytes.

A link would have been nice. :slight_smile:

Hi Pol.
I’ve been testing v.9.5 Alpha for a while now and the developer has just pushed it to BETA.
So still in Beta. :wink:

Here you go Bob:

Edit: But imho still a great proggie and getting better with every update

Link for bob

I was looking for an actual release not a beta. :slight_smile:

Hi Bob
From what I have been told/and read, the actual release from beta is a while down the road yet.
I would suggest months… :slight_smile:

Goodness, where do you go to find them? The only one it blocked for me was the test exploit. :smiley:

Hi Rohugh,

That is not that spectacular. It flagged an update executable attempt twice from VLC through VLC. Had to be closed first and then launched.
Also from fsols_launcher exe for a similar attempt. These added up to 8 attempts in the logs.
