i installed malwarebytes today and i found that internet is not working after malwarebytes installed in my laptop.
i unistalled malwarebytes and internet worked now.internet gets connected but no page opens in browser. i tried opera,firefox, chrome. i using 3g dongle
not yet.i got good response from avast forums rather than other forums.avast engineers are experienced ppl so my most problems solved by avast team and users of avast here.
it is trial version.i also tried free version. same problem in free version too. :-\
internet gets connected but no page opens in browser and also cant able to update any software. i.e internet is not working after connecting.see the right side tray icon.internet is connected but none page opens.
i also want to tell you that i tried 1 thing that if i untick malicious website protection then internet works fine. else if it is ticked then internet do not works. rite now i have unticked malicious website protection so i am using internet now and posting now here.see screenshot please.