Can i run malwarebytes pro with avast free
The short answer is yes.
I have it on my other system, there are some that say that you have to exclude the MABM files/folder in avast and vice versa in MBAM. I haven’t bothered with any of that and no problems. I do however exclude the c:\windows\temp_avast_ (or avast5) folder, where avast unpacks/copies files it is going to scan in the MBAM settings, Ignore List tab.
but will i get problem if i dont put anything in exlude list
As I said it is where avast scans files, should you not exclude it at worst it will just cause duplication of scanning, at worst MBAM locks the file whilst it scans it.
If it is a file that is infected and mbam alerts on it, then it will try to deal with what is in essence a temporary file (not the real one). All of this stops avast from scanning the file and won’t deal with the real file as it won’t have scanned what it was trying to scan.
This could let malware into your system rather than prevent it as it could be something that is coming down from the internet (via the web shield), not good.
would it be possible running AIS and malwarebytes PRO then? bpth have real-time protection. any conflict?
It makes no difference if it were avast free and MBAM Pro, whilst they are resident applications they are different. Essentially not having two resident anti-virus programs installed or not having two resident anti-spy/malware applications installed.
One of each generally isn’t an issue. After that on-demand applications can be used as an alternative second opinion. But there are precautions that can or should be taken to take them out of direct contact/conflict as I have mentioned.
Thanks for the detailed posting. I use MalwareBytePro and Avast and have had problems in the past. Your instructions removed the conflicts. Tks.
You’re welcome.