Recently updated to the latest Avast Free Antivirus 2016.11.2.2261 on my Windows 8.1 64-bit PC, selecting components File Shield, Web Shield, Mail Shield, Software Updater and Browser Cleanup only.
If I select Manage Accounts (or my login name) the Avast GUI crashes and restarts itself and if I select Mange Accounts again, the Avast GUI crashes again.
I tried a repair and got the Failed to load language DLL [1033\UILangRes.dll] error and the Avast GUI crashed when selecting Manage Accounts. I then tried the Avast uninstall utility and reinstalled but still the Avast GUI crashes when selecting Manage Accounts.
Thinking my PC may have a problem, I decided to install Avast Free Antivirus 2016.11.2.2261 on another Windows 8.1 64-bit PC, selecting the same components on install and lo and behold, the Avast GUI crashes when selecting Manage Accounts (and on repair the same Failed to load language DLL [1033\UILangRes.dll] error).
Please advise?
… UPDATE: I have rolled back to Avast Free Antivirus 2016.11.1.2253. No problem selecting Manage Accounts OR my login name.
Now however, I cannot login from the GUI at all on one PC. I get The online content is unavailable, Please, check your internet connection and try again error in the Avast GUI.
I can login to that account from a web browser, but for that account it is says You don’t have any devices connected to your Account yet. What a mess this is. How do I connect the device if I keep getting The online content is unavailable error?
I suggest Avast uses the same protocols to login to accounts from the Avast GUI as used when logging in from a web browser, so to avoid these sort of issues.
For me the workaround which worked was to click on some other action button (feedback button next to my.avast login button) and after it, try to access the my.avast account again.
I will try to keep you informed about our progress.
The fix was released as uUpdate, so the version stays the same but binary was modified. It is applied to all clients running the version (in this case R2SP1).
I have installed the latest version and now get a different login error in the gui:
Unexpected Error
An unexpected error occurred on the server, we are working on the solution.
Again, if I roll back to Avast Free Antivirus 2016.11.1.2253, no problems.