Only a few of the managed clients are showing up in the ADNM/Dynamic Computer Groups/Computers with Agent. When I sit at the machines that are not showing up in the ADNM and try to access the Program Settins via a right click or try to access the On-Access Protection control via a left click, nothing happens. The net client is running on these machines and I do have On-Access user interface, Simple user interface, and the Enhanced user interface enabled. I have no problem accessing any of the modules on the machines that are showing up in the ADNM. The machines are Windows 2000 SP4 or Windows XP Professional SP2. Any suggestions? Any solutions?
So there was no initial contact with the AMS? (i.e. in the console, the machines still show as , etc)?
If so, please check the files \data\log\error.log and \data\log\warning.log (if they’re not too long, post their contents).
I have attached the error.log and warning.log files from one of the computers that is not showing up in the ADNM. I’ve already stated the following in another post but in case you don’t know I’ll go ahead and restate it. I performed a push installation of the Netclient to my workstations. After the workstations rebooted none of the providers were active and there was a red strike circle on the a-ball icon. I had to go to each workstation and do a reinstall of the Netclient from Add/Remove programs. After doing the reinstall, the providers became active.
Sorry for the delay.
The warning log pretty much shows that the client has severe problems contacting the server. However, it’s not because the server is unavailable - but rather because the server seems to be refusing connection to the client.
Please verify in the ADNM console that the Computer group this machine is in has a resident task assigned to it. The symptoms you’re describing looks exactly like there’s no on-access task assigned.
See the following screenshot:;topic=15724.0;id=5493;image
There must be a task selected in that box. I’m talking about the properties of the Computer group the machine in question is in.
The computers are showing up in the Computers Without Agents Group. Some of my workstations are showing up in the Computer With Agent Group and Some are showing up in the Computers Without Agent Group. I have attached a screen shot of how the Computers Without Agent Group looks like. The computer selected does have the Netclient installed and running on it. What else could be causing the problem?
So, in the Computer catalog, verify that the BEI branch has a resident task assigned to it (right-click the BEI branch, and select Properties). Note that some (most) of the options will be greyed - this is because they are inherited from the parent group. Use the right mouse button to override the settings.
The point is to make sure that a resident task is assigned to the group, as explained in my previous post.
Yes, the BEI group has the resident task applied to it. It has been the whole time.
OK, this is properties of the root of the Catalog. But I guess (if you say so) the same thing applies to the BEI group as well…
Isn’t there anything suspicious logged in the Error or Warning logs on the AMS?
(you can use the View → Show AMS Logs command in the console to view the logs).
Yeah, the BEI group has the same settings as the parent\root. I have attached two of the AMS logs to this post and I will create an empty post to attach a third. Thank you for all of your help.
Third log.
Mirror log is too big. It won’t post.
I found out Friday that the clients that are not connecting to the ADNM are running on the demo lic. Not good; as soon as the demo runs out, the machines will be without protection.
Dear travis,
I apologize for the late reply. I just came back from Florida. :-\
To solve the problem, could you please download the following tool (the download link is at the bottom of the page) and run it on one of the clients that are NOT communicating.
Then wait for the next agent POP interval to occur (5-15 minutes). OR, you can then restart the “avast! NetAgent” service to force the POP to happen immediately.
That should cause something to be dumped to the DebugView window. Please post what has been dumped.
Thanks, and again, I apologize for the long delay.
Attached are two files created by the Debugview software. File BEI0001 was created before the installation of the latest JET driver and MDAC. File BEI0001b was created after the installation of the latest JET driver and MDAC.
Thanks for the dump. It was very helpful!
Now we know that the server is denying the request because of a problem with the license.
When you start the console, don’t any of the machines in the Catalog have a small key symbol on their icon?
Also, how many machines do you have in total in the Catalog? And how many licenses are there in your license file?
Are any of the machines in the Catalog “green”?
None of the machines have a small key symbol on them
Every machine on the network is in the catalog because of the Find task that runs
I have the Netclient installed on 3 servers and 18 workstations. I believe I purchase 28 Lic of the pack.
Yes there are machines in the catalog that show up as green… these machines are the ones that are showing up in the Computers With Agent group
If I am reading the lic file right, I am licensed for 28
Note: The problematic machines are showing up in the Computers Without Agent group
OK, the netclient is installed on 3 servers and 18 workstations. But is that all machines on your network?
That is, how many machines are there in the Catalog, totally? (With Agent + Without Agent)
Also, could you please send the file \data\computer.ini from one of the machines that do NOT show up in the console as active?
At the moment, there are 56 computers in the Catalog. This number changes daily because when the Find task runs not all of the computers on our network are on.
Could you please do the following:
delete the engines that you don’t plan to run avast on from the catalog. Make sure to keep the total count <= 28
quit the console
restart the “avast! Management Server” service (Administrative Tools → Services).
Now, the machines should begin becoming green… (especially when you restart the NetAgent service on them - this accelerates it).
Please let me know.
Great… It worked
Now for the next issue:
How can I configure the Standard Shield not to scan *.tif, *.mdb, and *.JPEG. Please show example.