Managed clients updating from Internet, not AMS

Section 6.2.2. of the ADNM manual says that “ADNM is designed to handle updating needs for mobile/roaming users quite simply: If the AMS (or second-level mirror) is available, use it to fetch the updates. Otherwise, update from the Internet.”

We recently installed a new firewall with much better monitoring capabilities, and I’ve noticed this to not be the case. I regularly see log entries such as

2008-08-05 13:22:03
2008-08-05 13:22:01
2008-08-05 13:21:58
2008-08-05 13:21:55
2008-08-05 13:21:51

which is several of our LAN workstations (or laptops) communicating directly with Avast. There is also no firewall policy between the clients and our Avast server. (I don’t believe local traffic actually passes through the firewall, and the server’s Windows Firewall service is disabled.) I thought the behavior from section 6.2.2 was automatic. What might I be missing??


Right click “computer catalog”, click properties. Under communication, is the AMS server identified correctly? Also go to:
and make sure the mirror is up to date.

The other thing it may be is if you are using the Avast Push emails going to that computer, it triggers them to update from the internet not AMS.

Hi, thanks for the reply! Possibly more than Avast has ever done for me. :frowning:

  1. Under communication, the server is identified correctly, by IP address only.

  2. Also in communication, the model is set to “POP only”.

  3. I know a number of ports are cited in the ADNM manual, but I hadn’t investigated them closely. Loading http://youravastserver:5033/$$status$$_mirror generates a browser error, and port 5033 isn’t actually open. We’re running the ADNM server on just one machine, with no mirrors. Is this still supposed to work? (I was not familiar with that URL.) My understanding is that the ADNM server always functions as a standard mirror, even if there are no others, so I assume that’s a “yes”. But I’ll have to figure out what’s going on with the port. I know the person who originally installed everything did it in hurry, so I doubt he would have made arbitrary changes like that.

Any followup suggestions?

BTW, I just figured this out. The “avast! iAVS4 Mirror HTTP Server” service was set to “Manual” and not running. Enabling it does start the web server as described above, and netstat also shows a number of connections on port 5033. One problem solved!

May I ask a question?

What kind of different between the two path
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Management Tools\mirror\mirror
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Management Tools\mirror\distrib\distrib0
What path should i set for netclient to update?

Thank you

I’m not sure about the difference between those folders. Perhaps one is the “master” directory and the other is the actual running mirror…which makes more sense when more than one mirror is available? But I don’t quite understand your question. When you create an Updating Task, the only choice is between two radio buttons, “Virus Database” and “Whole Program”. Where are you setting a path?

I install ADNM on a WinSvr 2003 with IIS,
so I must setup a path in the IIS.
But seems ADNM httpd run and disable the IIS auto…