Manual install

OK - WTF??? How do I install manually to the clients form a server share. The “manual” says just to point my clients to a share and have them click on “setup.exe”…nothing at all happens. This is for remote users who will not pick up group policy so I cannot push it out…need to have them click on something…HELP!!!

Use installation task in ADNM console, if you mean “manual install” as manually prepare installation task and target this task onto computer group…

Hi jbogut,

doing the manual installation is very easy, usually creating the msi file for the installation then share the setup.exe file.
“nothing happens?” please take a look at the event viewer, information for the installation should be on event viewer or you can also get the log on the avast management tool folder.

hope this useful to help you.

Yep, thanks all for your help…got it! Manual is sketchy in general it seems.