manual update problem when set to auto update

I am running 5.0.462 and have avast set to auto update on two different computers.
One has virus definition version 100405-1 and the other has 100405-0.
When I try to manually update the 100405-0 computer, it says I am already up to date.
Did that second update get pulled or something?
It’s been like this for over an hour, and I have tried to manually update at least three times.

No, it is more likely to be a hiccup (virus definition version 100405-1 is the latest), try a reboot and see if that bump starts the UI reporting of the version you have.

Or try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. This has in the past resolved this out of sync issue between reported and actual virus definitions version.

Hello David

I rebooted and that did not fix the problem.
Then I tried a repair, and that did not fix it either.
I tried changing settings from auto updating to manual, but that didn’t work.
I tried a few other settings changes, like auto update intervals.
It’s still not updating, and is saying virus definition version 100405-0 is current.

I have been running this version for about a month with no updating problems whatsoever.
My firewall is not blocking updates.
I haven’t added any new software.

What now?

Edit: I just read on another thread about updating problems to reboot after repair. I have not done that. Will try and report back. :slight_smile:

Reboot after repair. Not fixed. Manual updating says I am current.

I think that the reboot may have been the catalyst for the resolution (in the other post) rather than the repair.

Since you aren’t massively out of date I would:
a) set the update back to auto.
c) set the update interval to 120 minutes, the minimum interval for avast 5.0 free.
b) change any of the ‘other’ settings you mention to their default value.

Now just leave it for a while longer.

Okay. Good advice. If after the next update (tomorrow), it still hasn’t updated, I’ll post back.

What about rolling back (or deleting) a definition file so as to trigger an update from today?

I turned on the pc this morning to see that avast had updated to 100406-0.
Hopefully this was just a hiccup, as you suggested, David.
Thanks for the help and advice.
What can you tell me about rolling back (or deleting) a definition file so as to trigger an update if/when this situation arises again?

You’re welcome.

As to your previous post (Bad idea):
Personally rolling back (if you are talking system restore) is worse than doing nothing in the interim as you could be introducing other issues.

You can’t delete a definition file because of a) self-defence and b) avast 5.0s virus definitions are fully integrated into a number of areas, so that too could cause complications rather than solutions.

Yes, I was referring to the latter- deleting a definition file. I’ll follow your advice and not do that.
David, is this update ‘hiccup’ a common problem with avast5?

I haven’t experienced it at all from the first regular non-beta release of avast 5.0. Thought there are some that have reported this after doing an update and a reboot normally resolves it; I haven’t seen any common reason, e.g. a particular OS or 32bit or 64bit versions of an OS.

Good news. I saw that 100406-1 was available, so I did a manual download and it worked fine.
I should mention that last night (before 100406-0 was automatically downloaded) I also removed all firewall permissions in order to make it ask for connection rights again. That may have had an effect on things. Glad it’s back to working properly. And I hope it remains this way! :slight_smile:

:wink: avast prompt me also that when im going to manual update that the auto update is on ;D

this is in my case:

i run only 921kbps mobile phone to connect in my pc.

my automatic update is on, and every time i open my computer the update takes about 5min and don’t prompted me that i am updated.
so to make sure that it is updated i run the manual update, but its prompted me im already updated :o

but ok because the it say im updated i leave it that way and next 6 min prompted me VDB is updated.

so on the next day i disable the auto update and make it manually.
but then by the time that i manually update the definition it take so long so i thinking of refreshing i cancel it and start update again. it say also im already updated :o

but i last week i turn on again my auto update and leave it so that it will update automatically.

but this morning again auto update is more longer so im manually update again it say again that im already updated.

so maybe that auto update cannot be take place by manual update if the update is being download by the computer. or double update is making that prompt.

so my new motto be patient and wait for auto update is done ;D


I’m glad too that it all appears to be working fine, though personally I would have let the auto update do the download for further confirmation that the primary update method works.

That thought crossed my mind, David. But since two things were broken (auto updating and manual updating), I opted for the instant gratification of manual updating. :slight_smile: And now, I wait to see if the next release makes it onto my system via the auto updating route, though I have already seen that auto is working again with the magical :wink: appearance of 100406-0 on my computer this morning.

Thanks for the details and the advice, bong2x. :slight_smile:

Okay, I’m patiently waiting for this one computer to auto update to 100406-2.
My other pc installed it about half an hour ago.
Keeping my fingers crossed.

Edit: Aha! I didn’t have long to wait. Virus database has updated. ;D

ok make sure that you have the same as the picture. and and refresh your net connection :wink:

edit: sometimes mine i set it in 360min but its originally 60 its fit in my dial-up somtimes. best fit is 240 :slight_smile:

and better also to auto detect

The minimum setting is 120 minutes for the update check, anything lower is ignored I believe.

ah ok, thanks DavidR :smiley:

@ Snagglegrain

Go to PROFILE then Modify Profile then update your Signature: with information like my signature as this helps the helpers offer pertinent advice.

DavidR an avast! Überevangelist has his system’s information in his signature. 8)