Manual updates aren't logged in 'Event Viewer' under 'AntiVirus'

Good evening,

I am running Comodo v3.0.25.378 along with Avast 4.8 Home on WinXP Home, SP#3, running IE7.

For one reason or another I seem to be having trouble utilizing the automatic update feature for Avast. My computer seems to freeze on me when I am doing an automatic update every once in a while. It is usually when I am away from the computer and I think it has something to do with my Comodo settings but I am not sure.

So, because of this I have started to manually do the updates every day.

However, when doing it manually I notice that the updates are no longer logged in the ‘Antivirus’ section in my Event Viewer like the automatic updates were previously.

Is this by design or am I missing a setting?

Thanks and regards,


When you did this manual update, was there actually an update downloaded ?

I suspect not as I think (dangerous I know) that only successful updates are recorded.

Failed updates would also be recorded, certainly in the acast log viewer but in a different section (warning as opposed to Notice).

However, it could be by design if you are doing a manual update do you need to be told it was done.

Hi DavidR,

When you did this manual update, was there actually an update downloaded ?


However, it could be by design [b]if you are doing a manual update do you need to be told it was done[/b].

Good point … not really. I was just curious why a manual update wasn’t added to the Event Viewer Antivirus log like its automatic counterpart…

Thanks and regards,


You’re welcome.