Avast version 8.0.1489.
Firefox version 21.0 (using Avast Online Security and Web Reputation Plugin).
Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1.
I normally use the Error Console that comes with Firefox Web Developer Extension as the first port of call when trying to find problems with my JS or CSS. But recently (I first noticed it today) the Error Console log is continuously being populated with messages (i.e. not errors or warnings) from Avast. Each message starts with “Avast Log:”. Some of the logged items are just items of info in the form of text, others are great big JSON strings.
This is extremely annoying, as it makes it much more difficult to find my one or two errors or warnings amongst all these messages, but also, it fills up very quickly and slows the whole console down - i.e. I can hardly even get it to scroll - presumably because it’s having to deal with megabytes of text. What is this, and how can it be turned off?