Many Thanks!

Just a word of thanks for software that that protects me/my system from ALL the crud that is floating around the web. Many thanks to the helpful people on these boards, for helping others with computer security issues. :wink:

Thank you all!


You’re wellcome to forums 8)
Try to come back and help the others :wink:

That’s what the forums are all about help. help. help. ;D

But forums of this kind can’t exist if there is no users, helpers and those who needs help… so stick around and be our friend !

Welcome dadkins_1

Cheers !

the people in this forum are just too great to miss :smiley:

David, I totally agree with your statements!
Avast! has no match…

And the forums are just grand…the people here are so good about helping ( although some are bald from pulling out their hair from answering my many questions) ;D

welcome to the Avast! family…and do help when you can because it is so appreciated!


Please come back and help others. we want to see your post cont reach 1,000

Just some more praise!

Someone at another forum wants a keylogger to spy on his daughter to see what she is typing into AIM. Another poster linked him to TinyKL(a free keylogger). I decided to download it, don’t really know why…

avast!4 got pissed! Wouldn’t even let me choose a folder to download it to!!! Warning popped up as soon as I clicked on the download link! LMAO! ;D

I love this antivirus!!! 8)

Many, Many Thanks!!!