Max connections

This appears from what I found a sort of reoccuring problem which I didn’t have until a few weeks ago. :wink:

While running newsbin with 40 connections I am unable to receive mail in Outlook.
But after a closer look it seems that even newsbin is getting limited to using about 20 of the 40 allowed (in the profile) connections.

I tried making a change in the registry to increase the max number, but that doesn’t seem to have worked.
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Avast Software\Avast\properties\EmailShield
DWORD MaxConnections 200

Did I make a wrong change?
I wouldn’t mind having no limit at all, but I can’t find where to make the needed changes to make Avast stop imposing the current default connectionlimit.

Running Avast Free 24.5.6116

After a manual update to 24.6.6121 it looks like the problem has been resolved.
Newsbin is showing 40 active connections and Outlook is able to sent/receive at the same time.

Keeping a close watch on it for the next week.

EDIT next day…
After restarting Newsbin the connnections have been limited to 20 again.
Going to increase the 200 to 400 and restart.

Even a setting a 400 ended in disconnects and Outlook giving the connection limit message again.
Adding newsbin to the Exclude list is no-go with the crap sometimes posted on Usenet.
It appears I can’t exclude applications.

Looks like I will have to change to a different AV.

So after some tinkering with the modules I found that Usenet over TCP 563 is considered: EMAIL by Avast

After turning off the Mail module connections no longer got limited, but also the speed went up.
Speeds went up from about 200 mbit to about 950 mbit (on a gbit connection)