There is another topic in this sub-forum relating to McShield and the latter part of that indicates what needs to be done in relation to this error (OS Update).
Thanks DavidR for the info but the OS update you referenced doesn’t apply to my computer. I will just ignore this until there is an update that corrects this error, or not, and continue using McShield as it seems to perform as it should!
What OS are you using as this impacts win7/8/10 ?
As Far as I’m aware this error in the link I gave exactly matches the details you gave. It was as a result of previous changes in the OS or Patch Tuesday updates. And has been corrected by the KB update links given.
So I have Win10 version 1903. I am set to receive updates automatically. I checked my installed updates & its not there and apparently I’m up to date.
I clicked on the links you sent me and I go to the Microsoft Update Catalog & standalone package & download appropriate link and reply comes back saying "not applicable to this computer.
What am I missing here?
Sorry for this late reply, I have been away from the computer! I turned on my computer this morning & windows did an update. This update seems to have fixed my problem as the message no longer appeared. I rebooted my computer just to be sure & message no longer appearing!