I did a full scan with avast and it picked up one virus.

I put it in the virus chest so here’s some information if it helps.

Original Location: C:\Windows (That’s all it says)
Last changed: 4/27/09 6:16:14 AM
Transfer Time 5/4/09 9:30:59 PM
Size of file: 215865424
Virus: HLLP-Vova 10.1 -B
File ID: 7

What should I do?!

This is my second time encountering a virus, my first time turned out to be a file that came with alienware computers from information from google searches.

Anyway, I was able to move it into my virus chest but I’m scared it has done some damage before because I barely started doing a full scan today since I don’t full scans everyday, just once a week or so.

Any help or advice or something would be appreciated kindly! I haven’t deleted the virus yet, I don’t know if it’s an important file (I’m not a computer wizard :P) so thanks in advance for the help.


I just scanned the file while it was in the virus chest and it still said there was a virus so I think it’s not a false positive. Heres a log:

Scanning of selected files

Program will try to scan 1 selected file(s) in the Chest

Move files to temporary folder: C:\Users\Andres\AppData\Local\Temp_avast4_\unp106600572.tmp
FileID: 0000000007 Original file name: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP New folder: C:\Users\Andres\AppData\Local\Temp_avast4_\unp106600572.tmp\7.DMP

Scan files in the temporary folder: C:\Users\Andres\AppData\Local\Temp_avast4_\unp106600572.tmp
C:\Users\Andres\AppData\Local\Temp_avast4_\unp106600572.tmp\7.DMP HLLP-Vova 10.1-B

Action was completed successfully!

Once again, thanks! :slight_smile:

there is nothing else you can do. the virus was moved to the chest, so it’s isolated. if you don’t experience other errors or slowdowns on your computer, then it’s ok.

So is it safe to delete the file? Are you sure it’s not something I really need?

Just to be safe I’m scanning with every kind of protection I have. (Anti spyware, Anti Malware, and Doing a Re Scan with Avast Anti virus)

the file is not deleted, it is moved to the chest where it can do no harm. don’t delete the file from the chest, leave it there and you’re on the safe side.

CatWaffles, memory.dmp is a temporary memory dump file. It’s a big one and safe to be deleted within Chest.

Thanks Tech, I’ll do it right now. :slight_smile: